It's been a while coming, but the mountains are open and snow sports are go in Scotland.
It's been a long time coming this season, but finally, there's enough snow in Scotland for some skiing and snowboarding.
All 5 main mountains are open this morning, and although none have their full raft of lifts and terrain on the go, there's enough snow for a decent slide, which after a couple of months of waiting ought to be more than enough to get up the hill if you're nearby!
One thing to be aware of if you're heading up the mountain today or across the next few days is the windchill - it's going to be way below zero so you'll definitely need to layer up and cover up your face well or it's going to hurt.
The best location for more snow currently is further east, so the Lecht, Cairngorm and Glenshee best places to get some further top-ups. Although, at this stage, there aren't expected to be any significant falls over the next 7 days. On the flipside of that, west is generally going to be best for sunshine, so Glencoe and Nevis are a good bet if you're after the best visibility.